What is the RemediAde product


The first choice for hydrocarbon bio-remediation

RemediAde™ is a highly-effective and eco-friendly, all natural and organic (non-chemical) solution that rapidly bio-remediates hydrocarbons in soil and water. RemediAde™ is easily applied to contaminate land and water in the event of spills or leaks and other hydrocarbons.

RemediAde™ effectiveness

Depending on the weight and amount of reining, RemediAde™ cleans up gasoline and diesel in 5-7 days, unprocessed crude oil in 2-3 weeks and refined oil in 2-3 weeks. In most cases, a near total breakdown of the oil is seen by day seven.

History of RemediAde™
RemediAde™ has been used by the oilfield, chemical and manufacturing industries for over 20 years. RemediAde™ is cost effective and has been used in hundreds of hydrocarbon and salt water spill clean-ups in oilfield ops and at chemical plant facilities. RemediAde™ is a blend of plant extracts and other organic substances designed to promote rapid insitu bacteria growth for bio-remediation of hydrocarbons. The unique production process of RemediAde™ contributes to the rapid growth of bacteria that effectively assists in the bio-remediation of hydrocarbons.

RemediAde™ successfully remediates

  • Pipeline breaks and spills
  • Storage tank overflows
  • Oil contamination cleanup in marshlands and beaches
  • Soil remediation at and around tank farms
  • Wellhead clean ups
  • Hydrocarbon dump yard soil remediation
  • Refinery clean ups
  • Creosote contamination
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What is the RemediAde product


The first choice for hydrocarbon bio-remediation

RemediAde™ is a highly-effective and eco-friendly, all natural and organic (non-chemical) solution that rapidly bio-remediates hydrocarbons in soil and water. RemediAde™ is easily applied to contaminate land and water in the event of spills or leaks and other hydrocarbons.

RemediAde™ effectiveness

Depending on the weight and amount of reining, RemediAde™ cleans up gasoline and diesel in 5-7 days, unprocessed crude oil in 2-3 weeks and refined oil in 2-3 weeks. In most cases, a near total breakdown of the oil is seen by day seven.

History of RemediAde™
RemediAde™ has been used by the oilfield, chemical and manufacturing industries for over 20 years. RemediAde™ is cost effective and has been used in hundreds of hydrocarbon and salt water spill clean-ups in oilfield ops and at chemical plant facilities. RemediAde™ is a blend of plant extracts and other organic substances designed to promote rapid insitu bacteria growth for bio-remediation of hydrocarbons. The unique production process of RemediAde™ contributes to the rapid growth of bacteria that effectively assists in the bio-remediation of hydrocarbons.

RemediAde™ successfully remediates

  • Pipeline breaks and spills
  • Storage tank overflows
  • Oil contamination cleanup in marshlands and beaches
  • Soil remediation at and around tank farms
  • Wellhead clean ups
  • Hydrocarbon dump yard soil remediation
  • Refinery clean ups
  • Creosote contamination
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